Queens Doula with Christine Gibson

Supporting Families Across Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan in Birth & Postpartum

Holistic Support for Your Childbirth Year

Nice to Meet You, I’m Christine…

I'm a mom of two in Jackson Heights, Queens and I became interested in this work after my own two transformative births. I have a BA and MA in International Relations and I see a connection between large scale movements for change and individual care work.

As a doula, I aim to make my clients feel safe and supported by sharing evidence based information, connecting you with vetted local resources, using comforting touch, compassion and humor to get you through tough moments. In addition to supporting families hands on, I co-lead pregnancy and postpartum support groups and mentor newer doulas.

While it’s GREAT to have a doula by your side, your choice of medical provider and birth location are the most important factor. The families I work with are open to shopping around for the best care-which 99% of the time means working with a midwife! While birth is a moment, postpartum is forever and therefore I love being a postpartum doula just as much as a birth doula!

Let me support you throughout your entire childbirth year...


Carriage House Birth: Certified Birth Doula

Birthing Advocacy: Full Spectrum Doula

Empire Lactation: Certified Breastfeeding Counselor

Birthing Advocacy: Certified Childbirth Educator

Ancient Song Doula Service: Certified Virtual Doula

Woven Bodies: Supporting Queer/Trans Families in the Perinatal Period

Yiska Obodia: Comforting Touch for Doulas

Carriage House Birth: Homebirth Basics for Doulas

Carriage House Birth: Supporting Families who Experience Loss

Carriage House Birth: Certified Birth Doula • Birthing Advocacy: Full Spectrum Doula • Empire Lactation: Certified Breastfeeding Counselor • Birthing Advocacy: Certified Childbirth Educator • Ancient Song Doula Service: Certified Virtual Doula • Woven Bodies: Supporting Queer/Trans Families in the Perinatal Period • Yiska Obodia: Comforting Touch for Doulas • Carriage House Birth: Homebirth Basics for Doulas • Carriage House Birth: Supporting Families who Experience Loss •

My Specialities


“Through this whole experience, when we look back, we realize that having Christine by our side changed everything for us, it was a true game-changer in every way. She made the entire process much more smooth, positive, meaningful and natural.”

-Tsering Choden

“Her presence provided me with a sense of calm and reassurance, she kept me positive and validated my feelings. My partner didn’t know why we would need a doula, but afterwards admitted that having Christine was the best decision we had made!”

-Paola Giraldo